Umbra is a quarterly newspaper on screen culture published by Lightcube out of India. Its pages feature major developments in the sectors of film preservation, film archiving, film society activism, funding for alternative films and film literature. Its focus is to establish a broad narrative or a lineage between the state of these areas in the past and their condition in the present. To this aim, Umbra runs a number of interviews, essays, program notes, festival coverage, listings and annotated filmographies in its issues.


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Wings of Desire

by  Snehalatha Ramappa and Bharathy Singaravel

The desire to share and to be a part of something is very integral to the existence of even demons. Snehalatha Ramappa and Bharathy Singaravel explore this deeply methaphorical piece which talks about humanizing demons and also exploring the meaning of a divided country. This is the part of the Ninth issue of Umbra titled 'Our Gods - Part 2'. To read the entire article, Please subsribe to Umbra. 


What happens when a lifetime of human experience becomes more desirable than spiritual service? Angels cease to be. In his film, Wings of Desire Wim Wenders explores the desire of an angel to become human as he pursues, even longs for the sensations that will make him ‘human’, something he has only been witness to from afar. A film set in pre-unification Berlin, it depicts the lives of individuals who seem to be trapped in melancholy and the passive angels who are around only to ‘assemble, testify to, preserve’ these human experiences. It follows the lives of two angels, Damiel and Cassiel ( Bruno Ganz and Otto Sander), who have been roaming the city and witnessing the lives of the people lost in their own internal struggles. The angels can hear their innermost thoughts, but are unable to intervene. 

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Umbra is published by Lightcube Film Society
UMBRA@LIGHTCUBE.IN | 9851737307 | 7838340196

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